
In 1984, the three school mates Sighard Rottenmanner, Romano Hammer and Werner Loibner founded the company ITEC Tontechnik und Industrieelektronik GesmbH. Originally, all we were interested in, like so many other people, was the trade with audio products. From the very start, however, we felt challenged to provide our customers with solutions that were not available on the market yet.

So as early as in 1985 we had our first own development, the Procession Amplifier (Prozessionsverstärker), and the path towards production operations was set. Within just a few years many thousands of procession amplifiers were sold throughout Europe, and a considerable number of more or less well-done imitations was soon to confirm the success of this idea.

The next trend-setting product followed only one year later:
the ITEC lectern Success with an integrated speaker system was a top seller from the very beginning. Today the prestigious ITEC lectern can be found at almost every reputable company. It is an important tool for key players of public life, and it is a common part of equipment in many hotels and event centres.

A number of further mobile, battery-powered sound systems were developed in the following years, which makes us the largest manufacturer of mobile PA systems in Europe today. Our well-balanced product range offers the right solution for every situation, from small portable devices to large-scale mobile PA systems to reach five thousand listeners or more.

The company Beer GmbH, based in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, is the ITEC general distributor for all of Germany. By opening up this large market allowed us to increase sales and subsequently optimise production and testing processes, and we were able to further enhance the quality of our products.

The company EUROEXEC became a reliable partner distributing mobile sound systems in France. The ITEC France office and display rooms are now at 77, Rue Michel-Ange, PARIS.

In 1998, the rented rooms turn out to be getting too tight, and the erection of our own office and production building in Laßnitzthal, 15 km east of Graz, is an important step to further expand our company. In 2003, the production area is increased by the addition of another hall.

Our well-established mobile devices are complemented with a second product group consisting of components for fixed installations. The ITEC Multi-Sound product line comprises high-quality column speakers and speaker boxes, the ITEC Multi-Power power output stage and the sensational ITEC Multi-Mix 8/4 digital.

The electronic system of the Success lectern, by now the top model of the ITEC mobile systems for over 20 years, undergoes a full revision. It receives a touchscreen and digital sound processor to set new standards in this field. At the same, the Power-Mix, a compact mixing amplifier with integrated final stage and state-of-the-art digital audio technology, is developed and introduced to the market.
In order to serve our customers in Southern Germany even better, ITEC-Tontechnik GmbH Deutschland, based in Zorneding near Munich, is founded. The company's activity includes planning and installing audio systems, fully equipping meeting and seminar rooms, and distributing ITEC components for fixed installation. The well-proven distribution of mobile ITEC audio systems continues to be handled by Beer GmbH in Gärtringen near Stuttgart.

Certification according to ISO 9001:2008 - After introducing a quality management system and successfully passing a certification audit ITEC-Tontechnik GesmbH receives certification according to ISO 9001:2008. This is an important step in our commitment to quality, and it proves to our customers that the high requirements of this international standard are reliably met throughout the company.

Sinus Award goes to ITEC - The Ethernet-based multi-channel audio system "ITEC-NET", so far the largest project of the ITEC research and development department, provides new opportunities for complex PA systems. The ground-breaking development receives international recognition with the granting of the Sinus Award for the innovative audio system of the Formula 1 circuit of Abu Dhabi.

After more than four years, the development of the ITEC*NET system comes to a preliminary successful completion with the certification according to EN 54-16. Another significant milestone in the company's history!

ITEC is the winner of the prestigious Austrian "Trio des Jahres" award.
The key factor for being chosen for the award was the successful completion of the VAN (Voice-Alert-Net, ITEC's certified voice alarm system) research project and ITEC*NET, the ethernet-based high-end sound system, which has proven its value at events like the F1 circuits of Abu Dhabi, South Korea and India.

The new Lectern PRESENCE stands for modern design and brilliantly fulfils the wish for clarity and transparency with regard to design as well as sound.
Furthermore this development shows that ITEC keeps giving fresh impetus to the traditional field of mobile loudspeaker systems again and again, parallel to the development of its competency in the field of complex, large sound systems and audio networks.